Legal Empowerment for Dignity, Democracy and Justice Archived-EventAmey GodseFebruary 20, 2024Webinar
Women in Mediation - Unleashing power of Women Mediators in Mediation Archived-EventAmey GodseJanuary 24, 2024Webinar
Indianisation of the Indian Legal Landscape - Decolonising Academia & Legal System Archived-EventAmey GodseDecember 22, 2023Webinar
Mediation in India in the Context of Newly Passed Mediation Bill 2023 Archived-EventAmey GodseSeptember 23, 2023Webinar
Understanding Corporate Jurisprudence - The What and Why on Corporate Law Archived-EventAmey GodseSeptember 3, 2023Webinar
Online Sensitization Program on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace (POSH) Act Archived-EventAmey GodseJune 29, 2023Webinar