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Women in Mediation - Unleashing power of Women Mediators in Mediation

The team at Ivy Law participated in a lecture on “Women in Mediation: Unleashing power of Women Mediators in Mediation” organized by GNLU Centre for Alternate Dispute Resolution (“ADR”). The iscussion was exhaustive, covering several aspects of mediation, including the meaning and rocess of mediation as well as the Mediation Act, 2023. Emphasis was bestowed upon themportance of gender diversity in mediation and how women can bring in qualities such as mpathy, effective communication and relationship building to the mediation table. The lecture also included the need for Central Government to switch from adversarial litigation to ADR routes. Further, how the United Nations Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) and subsequent resolutions on women, peace and security has motivated an extensive range of policy initiatives among Member States and international organizations to advance women’s participation in peace processes was also deliberated upon.