Changing Balance of Power between Legal Departments and Law Firms Archived-EventAmey GodseMay 31, 2023Webinar
The Intelligence Advantage - Playing Moneyball with Legal Data Archived-EventAmey GodseMay 25, 2023Webinar
New Horizons in the E-Commerce Sector - Consumer Concerns and the Way Forward Archived-EventAmey GodseMarch 15, 2023Webinar
Central Government Schemes / Policies for Nurturing the Startup Ecosystem in India Archived-EventAmey GodseFebruary 23, 2023Webinar
Pitch Presentation by Startups on Innovative Solutions in Deep Tech and Cyber Security Archived-EventAmey GodseJanuary 27, 2023Webinar
Competition Laws in India - Practical Implications on Corporates Archived-EventAmey GodseNovember 18, 2022Webinar
Webinar on the Recent Developments in Regulatory Framework with Respect to Insolvency Professionals Under the Code Archived-EventAmey GodseSeptember 29, 2022Webinar
Webinar on the Trends and Developments in Arbitration Practice - An Arbitral Institution's and a Counsel's Perspective - Key Takeaways Archived-EventAmey GodseSeptember 16, 2022Webinar