National Conference on Constitutional Law Interfacing with Commercial Laws Archived-EventAmey GodseDecember 21, 2021Virtual Confererence
ICC India Arbitration Day, Virtual Conference Archived-EventAmey GodseNovember 27, 2021Virtual Confererence
Webinar on “Principles, Steps and Strategies in Negotiating Commercial Contracts” Archived-EventAmey GodseNovember 18, 2021Webinar
Symposium on ‘Corporate Governance - Series 3 - Effective Nomination and Remuneration Committee’ Archived-EventAmey GodseOctober 21, 2021Symposium
Conference on Digital Privacy and Data Protection Archived-EventAmey GodseOctober 6, 2021Virtual Confererence
International Virtual Conference on Competition Law - Risk, Challenges and Way Forward Archived-EventAmey GodseSeptember 23, 2021Virtual Confererence
Webinar on “Emergency Arbitration and its Way Forward in India" Archived-EventAmey GodseSeptember 18, 2021Webinar
Webinar on Corporate Challenges During COVID-19 Pandemic Archived-EventAmey GodseSeptember 16, 2021Webinar
National Conference On ‘5-Years of IBC, 2016 and the Way Forward’ Archived-EventAmey GodseAugust 27, 2021Webinar
Webinar on ‘Corporate Governance Symposium: Series 2’ - ‘Effective Risk Management Committee’ Archived-EventAmey GodseAugust 26, 2021Webinar
Webinar on Introduction to Various Delay Analysis Methodology in Construction Disputes Archived-EventAmey GodseJuly 30, 2021Webinar
Training Session for Employees under Prevention of Sexual Harassment Laws Archived-EventAmey GodseJune 23, 2021Training
Discussion on Production Linked Incentive Scheme 2.0 (PLI 2.0) for Pharma and Medical Devices Archived-EventAmey GodseJune 17, 2021Panel Discussion