Knowledge Session Conducted by Ivy Law on the New Labour Codes Archived-EventAmey GodseOctober 30, 2020Knowledge Session
Termination of Commercial Contracts - The Legal Landscape and Drafting a Termination Clause and Termination Notice Archived-EventAmey GodseOctober 4, 2020Webinar
E-Conclave on My India My Startup - 100 Unicorns by 2025 Archived-EventAmey GodseSeptember 17, 2020E-Conclave
Webinar on Corporate Fraud Control Through Various Investigation Methodologies Archived-EventAmey GodseSeptember 11, 2020Webinar
Master Class on SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 & Compliances under Companies Act, 2013 Archived-EventAmey GodseAugust 18, 2020Webinar
Leadership Virtual Summit '20 Foreseeable Future: Winning the Covid-19 War Archived-EventAmey GodseJuly 17, 2020Virtual Summit
Ivy Law & MyLawman Conducted a Workshop on 'Drafting of Non-Disclosure Agreements - Interactive Learning on Legal Framework & Drafting' Archived-EventAmey GodseJuly 11, 2020Workshop
Webinar on Impact of Recent Changes in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code and Regulatory Provisions: Creditors' Perspective Archived-EventAmey GodseJune 4, 2020Webinar
Webinar on the Aspects of Investor State Dispute Settlement Archived-EventAmey GodseMay 16, 2020Webinar
Webinar on Trademark, Brand Protection and Copyright Issues Archived-EventAmey GodseMay 16, 2020Webinar
Webinar on Arguments for Legal, Financial & Policy Changes to Build the Future Archived-EventAmey GodseMay 8, 2020Webinar
Webinar on COVID-19: Arbitration, Mediation and Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) - Opportunities & Way Forward Archived-EventAmey GodseApril 25, 2020Webinar
Ivy Law in Association with Satrtup Bazaar Conducted a Webinar on 'Force Majeure Clause Impact in COVID-19 Crisis' Archived-EventAmey GodseApril 17, 2020Webinar